
Showing posts from April, 2021


WEEKLY REMINDERS April 26th - National Pretzel Day  April 27th - Sacrament of Reconciliation Mass at 10:00 AM  April 29th - NYSESLAT Speaking administered. Students received  report cards last week, and many are wondering how their grades could have slipped and are now forced to worry about summer school. I cannot continue to stress enough about how we should be on top of our work in class. Many students are failing the class because of lack of homework or lack of participation. I am willing to give students extra credit work in order to improve grades, but I want to see students being proactive with their grades and asking me what can they do to improve. Please if you are one of these students or any other student who just wants some help, please feel free to see me in my classroom. Parents unable to make an appt with me for report cards, please feel free to email me and I will be happy to reschedule a day we can talk. 4TH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES Students will begin coverin...

4TH & 5TH Grade Social Studies Week of April 19, 2021

WEEKLY REMINDERS New York State testing begins Thursday, April 22. Grades 3-8 Report Card Meetings are on Friday, April 23. Students will have EARLY DISMISSAL on Friday 12 PM. Students in both 4TH & 5TH grade have a very busy schedule this upcoming week. Students will be testing most of the week. Please be prepared to focus!  Parents are also reminded to please sign up for parent teacher conferences this upcoming Friday, so that we may speak about students work in class. Sign up will be posted below. Sign Up Genius: 3rd Quarter 4TH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES We will be reviewing the chapter for the last time before our chapter test. Students are reminded the chapter test is on Tuesday, April 20. Please make sure to study all vocabulary words and review power point summary. Students will also be preparing for the NYS Exams, which will begin on Thursday. There will be no homework given this week. 5TH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES Students will have their Chapter test on Monday, April ...

4TH & 5TH Grade Social Studies Week of April 12, 2021

WEEKLY REMINDERS REPORT CARD MEETINGS,  APRIL 23rd 1pm - 6pm. Please make sure to sign up for individual meetings using the sign up genius. It will be posted later this week. Welcome back to everyone. I hope everyone enjoyed their time off and is prepared to get back to work. Students will be reviewing the work we last left off in class to refresh our memories. Although this is the start of a new quarter, students should continue to assess their work and figure out what is needed to be done to pass the class this upcoming quarter. There is ample time and opportunity to improve before the end of the year. Please feel free to reach out to me if there is any questions about what can be done. 4TH Grade Social Studies Students will be reviewing Chapter 8 from our textbooks. We will begin the week by reviewing what we already did from the chapter, as well as watch the video about the Civil War we watched the last time we had class. We will also be preparing for the state t...