Gym & 5th Grade Social Studies

Hello Everyone!
I hope all is well while we continue to battle the Covid-19 pandemic. As we continue to live life, lots of changes we will have to work through. As you have heard from our principal, students will continue to have classes remotely on Google Classroom. We understand that there will have to be some adjustments made in order for students to receive their work as well as feedback from teachers. Please bare with us as we continue to provide an education for your child as best as we can.
Blogs will be updated daily with materials, as well as homework for students to check on Google Classroom.
For the time being, remote classes shall generally follow typical school schedules. 5th Grade Social Studies class will be held Monday-Friday at 11:15 am to 12:00pm. Students should log in to Google Classroom at the start of class everyday. I will be online at this time giving work, answering questions, reviewing with students, and anything else they need to continue doing their work.
Attendance for this class is mandatory! I will be taking attendance for those logged in to our Google Classroom at the start of class. If you fail to log in at the start of class, you will be marked late or absent. Parents will be notified by Google Phone if students are not present. If you have not gotten the invite to join the classroom, you can also join by using our Class code which is efucbgk. 
Parents please feel free to email any questions to me if need be.

Students in 5th grade will find on Google Classroom the chapter 6 test.  Students should also read chapter 7, lesson 1 and do review questions. Please make sure to have it done. As far as any of the work, all work should be handed in on Google docs. If I assign review questions, Questions and answers should be written down on google docs and uploaded on Google Classroom. All work is to be done by the end of the day 12 midnight.


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