
Showing posts from June, 2021

4TH & 5TH Grade Social Studies Week of June 7, 2021

WEEKLY REMINDERS Monday June 7 is Confirmation Mass. School students will be going to mass at 10 AM. Wednesday June 9, students in grades 4-8 will be taking NYS Science Test. Friday June 11 is early dismissal for school students. Dismissal at 12 PM. 4TH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES Students will continue to review Chapter 10 this week. We will be continuing to cover World War ll, and finish reviewing the chapter by studying the attacks on the World Trade Center on Sept 11. Last week we began discussing the reasons for the cause of World War 1 and 2 by viewing a documentary about World War ll. We will continue to watch some of the video this week. We will finish lesson 3 on Wednesday and the vocabulary quiz will be given on Thursday. Students worried about their grades or just want to improve should see me during the week to discuss what can be done to improve. I will be giving extra credit to those who ASK!! 4TH GRADE SS HOMEWORK Lesson 3 Review Questions Due Wednesday Study for Vocabulary Qui...