Social Studies, Coding, & Gym Week of October 25, 2021
WEEKLY REMINDERS October 26-28 CPMC - OLD WORLD HIP HOP GRADES 4-5 October 28 - Picture Day, students may come to school with dress up clothes. October 29 - Halloween celebrations. We will be having a classroom party after 12. Students may bring packaged goods for the party. I will also be asking for $5 from each student for pizza. 5TH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES This week students will continue to work on Chapter 1 from their textbooks. We will be covering lessons 2-3 this week. We will be reviewing the homework and classwork which was given last week. There will be 3 homework assignments given this week, so please be on the lookout for that information on Google Classroom. DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY (CODING) 3rd-5th Students learn how to prompt transition effects when specific conditions are met. In this project, their scenes transition from the past, present, and future. 6TH-8TH Students are taught how functions are defined and used in Javascript through tap and drag functions. PHYSICAL EDUCATION ...