5TH Grade Social Studies, Coding, & Physical Education Week of February 7, 2022

  • Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on Friday, February 11. Conferences will be held from 1pm to 6pm. Please make sure to use sign up sheet below to schedule a meeting.
  • Students will be dismissed at 12pm Noon on Friday due to Parent/Teacher Conferences.
  • A reminder that there is NO AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM ON FRIDAY.
  • Next Monday is Valentines Day! Students may wear red clothes on this day.

5TH Grade Social Studies
  • Monday, February 7, students will take the next part of their map quiz. Students will have to name the next 25 states on our map. As always, spelling counts!! Please make sure to practice writing the name of each state.
  • We will continue to review chapter 3 from our textbooks, which discusses the Age of Exploration and European influence in North America.
  • Assignments will be given through Google Classroom this week regarding the two lessons.
  • Vocabulary Quizzes for Lessons 2 and 3 will be given Wednesday and Friday.
  • We will also discuss Black History Month Projects this week. Black History Month projects will be due by the end of the month, so their will be plenty of opportunities to work on it during class.

Digital Technology (Coding)
  • As we continue to develop or coding skills, I am glad to see the progress some students are making. This week, students will continue to work on code.org understanding the use of conditionals and loops.
  • Students are reminded to work on their code project, which is to create a Flappy Bird game. We will work on projects on Wednesday.
  • On Thursday, students in grades 3-5th will continue to use Scratch to create a game which uses point values to determine a winner and the end to the game. Students have been learning how to build the game from scratch and understanding how to change variables within the game.
  • Students in grades 6-8th will continue to use BitsBox to learn how to code a game through javascript.

Physical Education (Gym)
  • It is early dismissal this Friday due to Parent/Teacher Conferences. Classes will be combined this Friday to accommodate all classes. Students are reminded to come in proper Gym uniform and be prepared to work hard! If having the gym uniform is a problem, please find a blue t shirt and sweat pants. It is very difficult to do the exercises in slacks or a skirt.

As Always, If there is anymore questions on what we will be doing this week in class, please refer to the planbook or feel free to email me @MrBonilla@olqmnyc.org



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