Gym Week of December 3, 2017
Reminder: Pre-K for All program will be closed Tuesday, December 5, 2017
Welcome back to all. This will be another short month, but rest assured we will work twice as hard before Christmas break.
All classes remain on schedule for the week.
If you have any questions please refer to the plan book.
NYS DOH Immunization Inspection
Mr. Woods was notified on Friday that OLQM will undergo an audit of ALL students immunization records before December 15th - no exact date was set.
This same audit happened approximately
15 years ago.
If students did not have immunizations up to date a letter was sent home by the NYSDOH informing the parent that their child
COULD NOT RETURN TO SCHOOL until the records were updated.
Alba and Mr. Guzman will be calling parents this week and it must be addressed immediately -
this is not a manana moment!
This is beyond the school's control!
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter".
-Martin Luther King Jr.
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