4TH and 5TH Grade Social Studies Week of October 26, 2020
WEEKLY REMINDERS Reminder! If you have a doctors' appt, or have any reason to leave school early, please make sure to stay home and log in to zoom. There will be no early pickups from school! HALLOWEEN WEEK! We will be having a Halloween party on Friday. Make sure you dress up so that you can participate in our costume contest. I will be collecting $5 from everyone for pizza and drinks. Dismissal is at 3pm, Friday October 20. Wednesday, October 28, Mass will be held at 9AM. 4TH Grade Social Studies This week we will be working on our Unit 1 project. As explained last week, we will be working on all aspects of the project this week. Project will be due on Friday, October 30. Please look to google classroom for more information about the project. Remember! Report cards will be given in about a week or so. Please do your best on this project as it is a big part of your grade. 5TH Grade Social Studies We will be taking our Chapter 2 test, Monday October 25. Students should refer...