
Showing posts from October, 2020

4TH and 5TH Grade Social Studies Week of October 26, 2020

  WEEKLY REMINDERS Reminder! If you have a doctors' appt, or have any reason to leave school early, please make sure to stay home and log in to zoom. There will be no early pickups from school! HALLOWEEN WEEK! We will be having a Halloween party on Friday. Make sure you dress up so that you can participate in our costume contest. I will be collecting $5 from everyone for pizza and drinks. Dismissal is at 3pm, Friday October 20. Wednesday, October 28, Mass will be held at 9AM. 4TH Grade Social Studies This week we will be working on our Unit 1 project. As explained last week, we will be working on all aspects of the project this week. Project will be due on Friday, October 30. Please look to google classroom for more information about the project. Remember! Report cards will be given in about a week or so. Please do your best on this project as it is a big part of your grade. 5TH Grade Social Studies We will be taking our Chapter 2 test, Monday October 25. Students should refer...

4th and 5th Grade Social Studies Week of October 19, 2020

WEEKLY REMINDERS Report Cards are coming up. First Quarter marks are to be given on November 12. I will setting up a schedule where parents can meet with me and talk about the child's grade.   Halloween is also coming up. As a reminder, things will look different this year as far as parties and our annual walk through is concerned. Please keep in mind as we move forward that we must do our best to stay safe and protect others as well. 4TH Grade Social Studies This will be a very busy week for the 4th grade. Tuesday, October 20, students will be taking their second chapter test. The chapter 2 test will be covering everything we have been learning about Native Americans in New York. We will be reviewing on Monday. Throughout the rest of the week we will be reviewing chapters 1, and 2 and we prepare to take our first unit test on Friday, October 23. There will be no homework this week as students will be busy studying for our exams. 5TH Grade Social Studies Monday, and Tuesday we will...

4th and 5th Grade Social Studies Week of October 12, 2020

  WEEKLY REMINDERS SCHOOL CLOSED MONDAY OCTOBER 12, 2020 COLUMBUS DAY! GRADE LEVEL MEETINGS: 4TH GRADE WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 14 8:30-9:30 AM NATIONAL "I LOVE LUCY" DAY THURSDAY OCTOBER 15. COME DRESSED UP AS YOUR FAVORITE CHARACTER AND BE APART OF THE CONTEST! 4TH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES We will begin to wrap up Chapter 2 this week. Students will be taking vocabulary quiz on Thursday followed by the chapter test on Monday. Homework is as always posted on google classroom under the classwork tab. Students are reminded that report cards are only a month away! I have given ample time to those of us missing work to turn in any work they can. I have emailed several students about turning in work, and at this point if I have not received any late work it will be marked as a zero. Lets continue to do the best that we can! 5TH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES This week in class we will continue to cover Chapter 2. Students will be taking their Vocabulary quiz on Wednesday, followed by Chapter Test the ...

4TH & 5TH Grade Social Studies Week of October 4, 2020

WEEKLY REMINDERS EARLY DISMISSAL FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 12:00 NOON.  Feast of Our Lady of Rosary, Wednesday October 7. Recitation of Rosary at 9am Home language surveys are being sent home this week. Please return by friday! 4th Grade Social Studies Students should have received their grade for their first chapter test. Good job from everyone! We will go over problems we had on the test, and what we can do to better prepare for the next test. This week we will begin to cover chapter 2: New York State's Early People. As always, the textbook is scanned online for everyone on google classroom. Students should begin to read the lessons ahead of time to prepare themselves for the next class time. 4TH Grade HOMEWORK Vocabulary words for this chapter are due Wednesday October 7. Please make sure to separate words by lessons. Lesson 1 Review Questions Due Tuesday October 6 Lesson 2 Review Questions Due Friday October 9 As always, for further information on homework, please look at the "Ho...