4th and 5th Grade Social Studies Week of October 19, 2020
Report Cards are coming up. First Quarter marks are to be given on November 12. I will setting up a schedule where parents can meet with me and talk about the child's grade.
Halloween is also coming up. As a reminder, things will look different this year as far as parties and our annual walk through is concerned. Please keep in mind as we move forward that we must do our best to stay safe and protect others as well.
4TH Grade Social Studies
This will be a very busy week for the 4th grade. Tuesday, October 20, students will be taking their second chapter test. The chapter 2 test will be covering everything we have been learning about Native Americans in New York. We will be reviewing on Monday. Throughout the rest of the week we will be reviewing chapters 1, and 2 and we prepare to take our first unit test on Friday, October 23. There will be no homework this week as students will be busy studying for our exams.
5TH Grade Social Studies
Monday, and Tuesday we will be reviewing lessons 4, and 5 from chapter 2. Wednesday October 21 we will review the chapter and prepare to take our chapter 2 test on Thursday October 22. Students will have only one homework assignment this week, which will be to do the chapter study guide. It will be due on Wednesday. Please make sure to find the homework posted in Google Classroom.
As always, if you want more information on what we will be covering in class, please look to the plan book.
Plan Book Week of October 19, 2020
Thank You and Stay Safe!
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