4TH & 5TH Grade Social Studies Week of November 2, 2020


Students to be dismissed at 11 AM Friday, November 6th

New updated Health and Safety Screening Checklist and sign off will be sent home Monday. Please make sure to return back signed on Tuesday.

Tuesday, November 3 (Election Day) School is OPEN!

November 6 is the last day to turn in any late assignments or extra credit towards students first quarter marks!

4TH Grade Social Studies

Project presentations will take place on Monday. Students should be reminded to turn in their project on google classroom. Each student will present their project to the class and answer questions after. We will also be starting Unit 2 from our book. Students will begin to read about European settlements in New York, and how it influenced life in the Americas. As always, pages from the chapter are up on Google classroom in the classwork tab. Homework is also posted on the classwork tab as well.

I remind students that if there is any trouble with homework, or you just don't understand a topic, please feel free to email me or post on google classroom. It is not enough to just do the homework but to understand what we are reading.

5TH Grade Social Studies

We will begin to cover unit 2 from our book. Students will begin to examine what made the Europeans travel to the Americas, and what they found once here. Chapter 3 will be up on google classroom on Monday. If there is any trouble viewing the pages, please email me directly. I will do my best to get you a better copy. Homework for the week is posted google classroom as well.

Students are reminded that Friday, November 6th is the last day to turn in any late assignments for credit. I have emailed many students regarding your homework/ classwork. It is imperative that all of us do our homework, participate in class, and follow directions!! I will be giving those of us at below average extra work to complete for extra credit.

As we come to a close to the first quarter, we should be thinking about how we can improve from where we are today in class. If you have a problem with your grade and want to find a resolution, please feel free to talk to me. I want everyone to improve their grades as we continue the year.

Parents/ Students looking to contact me, please do so at MrBonilla@olqmnyc.org

As Always, for further information on what we will be covering in class, please look to the Plan Book.

Plan Book Week of November 2, 2020



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