5th Grade Social Studies, Coding, & Gym Week of November 1, 2021
- November is canned food drive month! We will be collecting can goods all month to assist the food pantry of The Church of Notre Dame.
- Monday, November 1st, Mass at 9am, Feast of All Saints
- Friday, November 5th, End of the First Quarter
5TH Grade Social Studies
- Students will continue to read Chapter 1 in their textbooks. We will be reviewing lessons 3-4 this week in class.
- Students should continue to read lessons and write down notes in their classwork notebooks. Reading assessment questions and review questions will be given for homework during the week to assess readings.
- Chapter 1 Vocabulary quiz will be given next friday!
Digital Technology (Coding)
- Students will continue to work on their projects within their respective programs.
- 3rd-5th grades will continue to learn how to prompt transition effects when specific conditions are met. In this project, their scenes transition from the past, present, and future
- 6th-8th grades students are taught how functions are defined and used in Javascript through tap and drag functions. As well as use an array, a special variable which can hold more than one value at a time, to make a royalty themed app.
Physical Education (Gym)
- All classes will have gym class this week! Students should be prepared with proper school gym uniform.
As always, if there are any questions regarding what we will be covering this week, please look towards the plan book.
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