5TH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES, CODING, & GYM Week of December 6, 2021
- Tuesday, December 7 is PEARL HARBOR DAY. We remember all those who lost their lives, and those who continue to serve the country in our armed forces.
- Wednesday, December 8 is Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Mass at 9 AM will be led by the 4th grade.
- December 16th - Ugly Christmas Sweater Day Contest. Progress Reports will be sent home at dismissal
- December 17th - Festival of Lessons and Carols 9:00 AM. Christmas Recess begins for students in grades K-8
- Students will continue to work on Chapter 2 from their textbooks. Students will be taking two vocabulary quizzes this week for Lesson 2 and 3.
- There will be two different assignments given this week in addition to the regular reading and note taking for each lesson.
Digital Technology (Coding)
- Students learn how to prompt transition effects when specific conditions are met. In this project, their scenes transition from the past, present, and future.
- Students program a clicker game with virtual instruments that play different notes and beats when clicked.
- Students built a game where the player dodges a "bad" sprite while they chase a goal. The player's score or health, through a variable, changes based on what they manage to collect.
- Students create an original project and reflect on the potential unintended consequences of apps.
- Students are taught how functions are defined and used in Javascript through tap and drag functions.
- Students use an array, a special variable which can hold more than one value at a time, to make a royalty themed app.
- Students programmed an app that randomly generates an image on the screen; tapping the image makes them pop.
- Students will program an app that will have stamp interaction with each other and implement lists/arrays to the moving enemies.
Physical Education (Gym)
- Students will have a regular gym day on Friday. As always, please make sure to wear all proper gym attire.
As always, if there is anymore questions on what we will be covering this week, please look towards the plan book.
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