5TH Grade Social Studies, Coding, & Physical Education Week of January 31, 2022


  • February 1 - Lunar New Year - School is OPEN
  • February 3 - Feast of St. Blaise, mass at 9 AM
  • February 4 - Early Dismissal for students K- 8th at 12 PM

5TH Grade Social Studies
  • Students will be taking the first part of their map quiz. Students will be tested on the first 25 states of the map. Students should note that spelling will count as always, and should do their best to practice writing the names of these states.
  • We will also be discussing chapter 3 from our textbook, which discusses the influences of European exploration to North America.
  • We will be reviewing lessons 1-3 this week, and will be taking Vocabulary quiz for lesson 1 on Wednesday.
  • Several homework assignments will be assigned through google classroom.

Digital Technology (Coding)
  • Students will continue to make progress on lessons 12-19 which explain what conditionals and loops are within code. 
  • Students will also continue to work on new projects with Mr.Kevin displaying new ways to code a game with point values using Scratch and Bits box.

Physical Education (Gym)
  • It is early dismissal on Friday, so classes will most likely be combined. Students are to make sure to come in complete gym uniform! Schedules are subject to change due to early dismissal but rest assured we will all have gym.

As always, if there is anymore questions on what we will be covering this week, please look towards the plan book or feel free to email me @MrBonilla@olqmnyc.org



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