
Showing posts from October, 2022

3rd Grade Homeroom, 5th Grade Social Studies, Coding, & Physical Education Week of October 24, 2022

  WEEKLY REMINDERS Class picture day is on Monday October 24. Students are reminded to wear full uniform on Monday. Candy Bar fundraiser has begun. Students will be sent home with paper with more information. Candy boxes can be picked up in the main office. Halloween is next week. The school will be having a parade and festivities on Monday October 31. Students are welcomed to dress up in their favorite costume. Students will also be having in class parties. Please feel free to bring in candy, treats, or any other food or desserts for kids to share and enjoy. I will be collecting $5 dollars from homeroom students for pizza.  5TH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES Students will continue to read Chapter 1. We intend to finish lessons 3-4 this week. Chapter 1 PowerPoint will posted on google classroom this week. Homework will be given on Monday.  COMPUTER SCIENCE (CODING & ROBOTICS) Students will be working on creating Sprites, making events happen, and looping this week in Codin...

3rd Grade Homeroom, 5th Grade Social Studies, Coding, & Physical Education Week of October 11, 2022

WEEKLY REMINDERS Progress Reports will be given out on Friday October 14. Friday October 14 is also an EARLY DISMISSAL DAY. Students in grades K - 8th will dismiss at 12 NOON. Monday October 11 students in grade 7th will host the school mass at 10 AM. Parents welcomed. 5TH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES Students will continue to work on Chapter 1, Lessons 3-4 this week. Hispanic Heritage Projects are due this Wednesday. Students will present projects in class. Homework will be assigned this week on Google Classroom. COMPUTER SCIENCE (CODING & ROBOTICS) We are moving into the second unit in our class. Students will continue to work on creating sprites, the use of events, and loops. Students will also continue to work on activities using Sphero. Students will be learning how to move and control the robot using basic roll commands. Students will also continue to work on projects with Mr. T on Thursdays. PHYSICAL EDUCATION (GYM) Friday is an EARLY DISMISSAL DAY, students will be having gym o...

3rd Grade Homeroom, 5th Grade Social Studies, Coding & Physical Education Week of October 3, 2022

WEEKLY REMINDERS: Congratulations! You've made it through the first month of school. 9 more to go!! We welcome Superintendent Micheal Deegan and NYC DOE Chancellor David Banks to our building on Tuesday October 4th. Picture Day is on Wednesday October 5th. Students are welcomed to wear dress up clothes or school uniform. NO JEANS, T-SHIRTS, ETC.  Envelopes should be given to homeroom teacher by Monday October 3rd. CHANGE IN CALENDAR, OCTOBER 7th students will dismiss at regular time. NO EARLY DISMISSAL.  TITLE 1 CLASSES FOR GRADE 3 IS ON WEDNESDAYS AND THURSDAYS FROM 3:15 - 5:00 PM. Progress Reports will be given out NEXT FRIDAY OCTOBER 14th. 5TH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES Students will continue to read Chapter 1 from our textbooks. Continuing on lessons 2-4 this week. Students will continue to work on answering essential questions from the chapter and analyzing main ideas We will work on multiple standards this week strengthening our critical thinking skills and...