
Showing posts from November, 2021

5TH Grade Social Studies, Coding, & Gym Week of November 29, 2021

WEEKLY REMINDERS November 29th - Students return from Thanksgiving break November 30th - Feast of St. Andrew December 1st - World AIDS Awareness Day December 2nd - Flu Vaccine Notices will be sent home  Friday December 3rd - Feast of St. Francis Xavier, e arly dismissal 12:00 noon - Faculty Meeting  5TH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES Students will continue to read Chapter 2 from their textbooks. Chapter 2 focuses on early civilizations of North America, specifically Native Americans in The United States. Students will be working on lessons 2-4 this week. As previously stated during report card meetings, vocabulary quizzes will be broken down into lessons. Therefore, there will be two vocabulary quizzes given this week for Lessons 2-3. Please remember to study your words and practice the spelling. As a reminder, students are given assignments during each lesson to write down notes in their notebooks! It is imperative that students get used to writing down notes as they read to prepa...


WEEKLY REMINDERS SCHOOL CLOSED - THURSDAY & FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25-26 - THANKSGIVING DAY BREAK WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24 - THANKSGIVING SCHOOL MASS 9AM 4TH GRADE HOMEROOM WILL BE HAVING A THANKSGIVING DAY PARTY IN OUR CLASSROOM! STUDENTS ARE ALLOWED TO BRING FOOD AND TREATS FOR THE CLASS. STUDENTS WILL BE ASKED TO BRING $5 FOR PIZZA BY WEDNESDAY MORNING 5TH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES Students will begin to read chapter 2 from our textbook this week. The chapter will discuss early American civilizations and different Native American cultures. Students will also be continuing to work on their Maps of The United States. A reminder that this Map is part of a project grade. Please make sure to take care of the map as we will be using it for several weeks. As always, homework will be assigned through google classroom. The only homework given in notebooks will be the chapter vocabulary.  Lessons 2-3 will be given for homework during the break. Digital Technology (Coding) We will not have CodeSpea...

5TH Grade Social Studies, Coding, & Gym Week of November 15, 2021

WEEKLY REMINDERS Thursday, November 18 - Mickey Mouse Day. Students may dress up as their favorite character. Best dress up wins a prize! Friday, November 19 - Parent/Teacher Conference Day. Early dismissal at 12 PM for all students. Report cards will be given out Thursday. Conferences will begin Friday 1 PM to 6 PM. Please use sign up sheet underneath to sign up for a conference! PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCE SIGN UP 5TH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES Students will review the chapter for the beginning of the week.  Wednesday November 17, students will take their first chapter test. Chapter test will consist of questions and vocabulary from lessons 1-5. Students will continue to work on their maps of The United States. A reminder that these maps are part of a project grade. It is imperative we do not lose these maps! DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY (CODING) 3rd- 5th grade students will learn how to prompt transition effects when specific conditions are met. In this project, their scenes transition from the p...

5th Grade Social Studies, Coding, & Gym Week of November 8, 2021

WEEKLY REMINDERS THURSDAY NOVEMBER 11 - VETERANS DAY, SCHOOL CLOSED! FRIDAY NOVEMBER 12 - MANHATTAN CONFERENCE DAY, SCHOOL CLOSED! November is Canned Food Month, we are accepting canned foods to give to the Notre Dame Church. Please make sure to bring cans. The class with the most cans at the end of month gets a pizza party! The quarter ends this Friday! 5th GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES Wrap up of Chapter 1. We will finish lessons 4-5 by Tuesday. Wednesday November 10, we will have the chapter vocabulary quiz. Students should practice reading each vocabulary word and spelling it correctly for the quiz. We will continue to work on our Maps of the United States. Remember this will be a project grade, make sure you are up to date with any work missed on the map. There will be two homework assignments given during the week.  Homework will be assigned through google classroom during the four-day break. DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY (CODING) We will not have CodeSpeak this week because of Veterans Day. Stu...

5th Grade Social Studies, Coding, & Gym Week of November 1, 2021

WEEKLY REMINDERS November is canned food drive month! We will be collecting can goods all month to assist the food pantry of The Church of Notre Dame. Monday, November 1st, Mass at 9am, Feast of All Saints Friday, November 5th, End of the First Quarter 5TH Grade Social Studies Students will continue to read Chapter 1 in their textbooks. We will be reviewing lessons 3-4 this week in class. Students should continue to read lessons and write down notes in their classwork notebooks. Reading assessment questions and review questions will be given for homework during the week to assess readings. Chapter 1 Vocabulary quiz will be given next friday! Digital Technology (Coding) Students will continue to work on their projects within their respective programs. 3rd-5th grades will continue to  learn how to prompt transition effects when specific conditions are met. In this project, their scenes transition from the past, present, and future 6th-8th grades s tudents are taught how fun...